by Wireless Technologies
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3 used & new from $4.69
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This 3 piece starter kit comes with everything a cell phone owner needs to stay on the move and be ready to use your phone. While in the car or away from your home charger, this vehicle power adapter plugs into your power socket, providing conveniently unlimited talk time. The adapter restores full power to your phone's battery in 1 to 2 hours and includes circuitry to prevent overcharging the battery. To protect your phone from those accidental scratches dust & moisture, the attractive custom fitted leather carrying case includes clear vinyl to cover the keypad and display. Attractive as well as functional, the case includes a leather covered steel belt clip and allows easy access to all phone features without removing the phone. Using the Hands free earbud while you're on the go, you can talk and use your hands simultaneously. Lightweight and comfortable, the hands free earbud enhances portability and personal safety.
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