by Anker
Buy new:
(Visit the Hot New Releases in Wall Chargers list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
- High quality and excellent service.
- Portable: the mini adapter can easily fit into your pocket and bag.
- Lightweight design: 19g
- Input: AC 100-240V 150mA (MAX); Output: 5V 1000mA
- Size: 29.3*26*27.5mm
Compatible with:
Apple:iPhone 4S(AT&T/ Verizon/Sprint) iPhone 4(AT&T / Verizon) / iPhone 3GS / ipod touch / ipod classic / iPod nano / iPad / iPad 2
HTC: T-mobile Sensation 4G / Sensation XE / Sensation XL / Amaze 4G / Radar 4G / Sprint EVO 4G / AT&T Inspire 4G / Vivid 4G / Verizon ThunderBolt / incredible 2 / Rezound
Samsung: Galaxy S II i9100 / T-mobile Galaxy S II T989 / At&t Galaxy S II i777 / AT&T Galaxy S II Skyrocket SGH-I727 / Sprint Galaxy S II Epic 4G touch / Galaxy Nexus Prime / Galaxy note / Focus S / Samsung Infuse
Motorola: Atrix 2 / Verizon Droid X / Droid X2 / Droid Bionic / Droid Razr / Droid 3 / Triumph / Photon 4G
LG: Vortex / Revolution / Quantum / Optimus V / Optimus S / Optimus T / Optimus 2x
Others: Blackberry Bold 9900 / Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S / Nokia N9 / lumia800 / 3G/4G mobile WIFI hotpot / PSP / Nook color / MP3 / MP4 / MP5 / Kindle
Package includes:
1 pc cell battery charger
About Anker™:
Anker™ focuses on portable energy field, provides rechargeable batteries, chargers and other accessories for consumer electrics. Due to their reliable and durable products, plus best-in-class service, Anker™ has served hundreds of thousands of happy customers all over the world.
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