by Palm
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If you're looking for a fast, convenient way to charge and synchronize data with your Treo 650 or 700, here's the answer. This cradle kit includes a snappy-looking cradle, a slot for charging a spare battery, a data cable, and a 110-240 volt AC adapter. Palm also generously includes international adapters so you can travel widely (U.S.A., U.K., Europe, Australia) and still have charging capabilities. The advanced switching type power supply is compatible with most international voltages and frequencies (110-240 volts, 50-60 Hz, 1A DC output).
The spare battery charging slot has a smart little cover that forms the rear of the unit. The cradle also has the venerable Palm hot-sync button so you can instantly sync your Treo 650 or 700 with the touch of a button. And if you need to pack lightly, you can detach the cradle from the power and data cables and plug them directly into the Treo 650 or 700. The cradle uses the new "Multi Connector" standard found on newer Palm devices.
NOTE: This cradle kit is only compatible with the Treo 650/700.
What's in the Box
Handset charging cradle, AC power cable, international voltage adapters, Multi Connector data cable.
Palm Travel Cradle Kit for Treo 650, 680, 700, 750
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