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The BlackBerry Bold 9930 Charging Pod ACC-39458-201 may be the most convenient way to charge your BlackBerry device. Just place it in the Pod in a convenient location, and connect your BlackBerry smartphone charger to the USB port on the back. Your device will be operational even as it charges. You ll have full access to the keyboard and speakerphone capability - you can make calls, read and send email, even use the multimedia player. Plug a USB cable into the port on your device, and you can sync up your data with your PC, even while the device charges. And the chrome design beautifully complements the sleek lines of your BlackBerry smartphone. The stylish BlackBerry charging pod also comes with charging adapters so you can take your charging pod with you on holiday and charge you BlackBerry Bold 9930 wherever you are. The charging pod includes various international adapters to charge your BlackBerry handset around the world.
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